A Day in the Life

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A Day in the Life

Hi friends!  Way back when I was still pregnant with Cooper, I posted my first day in the life post and I thought I would do another for the sake of comparison.  Needless to say A LOT has changed! Here is a typical Wednesday or Friday.

5:50- Hear Coops fuss. Get up and feed him. Sweet boy slept a good 7 hours!

6:30- Coops falls asleep on my chest. So I swaddle him and put him back to bed.

7:30- Coops wakes up again. He is wet and needs a change.  We have a pee explosion and he pees everywhere. Twice! Ah well.

8- Once Coops is clean, we sit with him in our bed and have a chat. He is very chatty in the morning and loves to give us the rundown of what’s going on with him. He is alert and looking around. Lots of smiles.

9- After another feed and some cuddling, he is asleep again. I get us ready to go to Babies on Board by packing the baby bag and getting myself ready.

day in the life 1

9:40- Coops wakes up and I get him dressed to go.

day in the life 2

10- We head out the door to go pick up the car. I get Coops in the back and start the drive to Brooklyn. Traffic isn’t bad so we make good time.

10:40- We park the car and head into the studio.  Good thing we are early because Coops is wet and needs a change.

11- Class starts and Coops promptly falls asleep.  What a sweetie!

xtend babies on board 2

11:45- We take the babies out of their carriers for the ab section.  Coops comes out stretching from his nap. He lays on his blanket looking around until the end of lads when he decides he wants to be held and eat and starts to fuss.

12- Class is over and I feed and change Coops. The studio has turned into mommy zone with mothers feeding and changing their babies. 

12:30- We are finally ready to go and we head out the door to get our car and start the drive back to Manhattan.

1pm- There was a three car accident on the FDR so traffic was a little slow. We drop the car off and I decide to pick up lunch for myself and the Hubs who is working from home this morning.

1:30- We’ve got lunch and Coops is still sleeping. I head home and the Hubs and I enjoy lunch together and catch up on things

2:30-Coops is still asleep so I do some chores like dishwashing, putting away clothes and fill out some insurance forms.

3- Coops has been sleeping for about two and a half hours and I have a few errands to run so I wake the sleepy baby and feed him while watching the Australian Open.

day in the life 6

4- Run errands and get out for a little walk. Include a Starbucks run!

day in the life 4

5- Arrive home and spend some time on our playmat singing songs and checking out our toys. Coops has discovered himself in his mirror and is absolutely captivated!

day in the life 3

5:30- Start to get fussy so we transfer to his monkey chair and I go back and forth between the kitchen and his chair prepping dinner and putting Coops’ pacifier back in when he spits it out for attention.

6- Decide to put the munchkin in the K-tan because he is fussy and continue with some dinner prep while he falls asleep.

day in the life 5

6:30- Work on coops’ baby book while he snoozes. 

7- Coops starts to fuss and I hand him off to the Hubs while I cook dinner.

7:30- We have dinner together and play pass the baby!

8- Clean up from dinner and work on this post.

8:30- Spend some time doing chores.

10- Bed time!

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