Pregnancy Superfoods

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Pregnancy Superfoods

Hey friends!  How are you?  I’m making my way back home today and I’ve had some amazing food recently!  I definitely let myself indulge a bit while on vacation, but that is what vacation is for, am I right?  One thing I’ve been extremely conscious about though is making sure I am getting proper nutrition because even though I may love ice cream, the baby doesn’t grow as well without some nutritious food.  Earlier in the year I had the opportunity to attend a prenatal workshop at Physique 57 which included a short session with Pure Nutrition on proper nutrition for mamas-to-be.  I found the session so helpful and have tried to keep in mind certain pregnancy “superfoods” to help growing Baby B.  Here are a few that I really enjoy!*

pregnancy superfoods

1) Avocados– I love avocados: give me guacamole, a smoothie or just plain avocado any day and I’m happy.  Avocados have a ton of good fat in them that helps your growing baby. They also have folic acid, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6 (which may also help with morning sickness!). 

avocado smoothie
2) Leafy  greens like kale– I made kale recently after a short hiatus and remembered how much I love this vegetable!  My favorite way to prepare is kale chips but I also love it in salads and juice (see below).  Other amazing greens include spinach, arugula and bok choy. These leafy greens contain vitamins A, K and C and folate. 

crispy grilled kale
3) Fresh juice– This is more of a way to eat your fruits and veggies rather than a superfood on its own, although it deserves superfood status because it is such an easy way to get loads of vitamins and minerals in one easy form.   I love juice as a healthy afternoon pick me up.  Some of my favorites include kale with watermelon; beet, arrow and apple and a green monster with spinach, banana, peanut butter and Greek yogurt.

juice4) Fresh fruit– We all know fruit is good for you and guess what, it is good for baby too!  Eating a colorful variety helps provide proper nutrients.  It’s a great way to satisfy the sweet craving without giving in to ice cream every time! 

fruit salad5) Tomatoes– Tomatoes are not only delicious, they contain vitamin C and iron.  Iron is especially important during pregnancy because iron is essential for making hemoglobin and since you have about 50% more blood in your body while pregnant, you need a lot more hemoglobin and therefore, a lot more iron!

farmers market 6
6) Seeds like chia, hemp, flax– These little seeds are nutritional powerhouses that can help you stay full, get some food fat and/or fiber and absorb more nutrients.  Add these into cereal, smoothies or yogurt!

Chobani greek yogurt
7) Low fat dairy like Greek yogurt and almond milk– Diary is a great way to get a lot of calcium, which is so important for mamas-to-be because the baby is getting all the nutrients before you do.  The baby needs the calcium to grow strong bones and, of course, you still need your own calcium for strong bones so make sure you are getting a lot of low-fat dairy in your diet!  I love Greek yogurt because it has a ton of protein!

Readers, what superfoods do you enjoy? How do you incorporate nutrient-dense foods into your diet?

* I am not a registered dietician or nutritionist.  This list is based on my own knowledge and research.  If you have questions about your specific diet needs, you should consult a professional. 

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